Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ice Cream, BAAY, and the end of the world

After the show last night we all went to Mallard's and got ice cream, Nick and Kaleb got 'the bomb'(4 scoops!) and had a race to finish it first, here's the video: David, the director, is the one holding the camera and cheering them on. You gotta love BAAY!

So you guys know how the world was supposed to end yesterday at 6? Well, I was sitting on the goat down by the farmer's market at six, laughing at Kenzi yelling to complete strangers "the world is going to end in __ minutes!". At a minute to six Lisa(dance coach) drove by and we shouted "the world's gunna end in one minute!" and she replied, "Oh, okay. Well, if it does end, it was nice working with you guys." and drove off. Thanks Lisa, thanks.

 Apparently, at BAAY while the world ended, everyone did a countdown and shouted FOR NARNIA!(The dinner break ended at 6:00 so everyone was coming back at that time). I would've been okay with the world ending though, because my last meal would've been pizza at Rudy's with a bunch of cast members. And we also went to the pet stores, and there was this clown fish that I swear was Nemo. One of it's fins was smaller than the other! It was awesome.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tired. . .

I am soooo tired it's only 10:30 but I just had a performance, the third this week. Three down, three to go! It was a pretty rough show, but like Tim Gunn says, we 'made it work'(I loveee that show). Grrr, I have to put my hair in curlers to save time for tomorrow. It's the big day tomorrow, two shows in 12 hours! We get a two-ish hour break in between, but still. Last time, apparently Parker called McDonald's and asked 'Can I get the 10 piece nubs?' They asked him to say it clearer like five times and just hung up. And he got Emily, Kenzi, Nick, Christian, and himself kicked out of Starbucks. Only Parker could achieve that so fast. You gotta love BAAY. Well, anyway, I better go put my curlers in :( Bye

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Wow, it's been a while since I posted anything on here, been busy with Annie rehearsals. Crash week starts tomorrow, and I literally won't get a break for two weeks! But enough about that, here are some of my favorite quotes from Pushing Daisies:

Emerson: What got thee to a nunnery?
Olive: Oh, Emerson. You really want to know?
Emerson: Not especially. That was just my attempt at polite wee talk. Moment's passed, so let's talk compensation

Olive: There's no alarm system. Got a credit card?
Chuck: Why? You know how to pick locks?
Olive: No. You're gonna need to pay for the damages.

Olive: Look carefully, ladies; this is your future.
Lily: Is it vodka?
Olive: Water.
Lily: As in Russian for vodka?

Emerson: Oh no, see, this is how it all ends. Some weird guy comes in saying stuff that don't make no sense. And by the time your head realizes 'Hey, this weird guy makes no sense,' your guts are all over the window

Emerson: The truth ain't like puppies, a bunch of them running around, you pick your favorite. One truth and it has come a knockin'.

Emerson: Death by scratch-'n'-sniff. What the hell happened to people shooting each other with guns?

Emerson: Just because there's vodka in my freezer doesn't mean I need to drink it. Wait... yes it does

Emerson: I suppose I could pay my bills with blind kids' smiles. But their money is a lot easier

Olive: Musing on the idea of setting someone on fire doesn't mean you really want to set them on fire. It's just the thought of it that makes you happy, but only for a second, then you feel bad. But that second can be a lot of fun.

Ned: Everything we do is a choice. Oatmeal or cereal. Highway or side streets. Kiss her or keep her. We make choices and we live with the consequences. If someone gets hurt along the way we ask for forgiveness. It’s the best anyone can do

Emerson: Oh look, a dumb idea just found a friend!

Emerson: Well, that idea might make a stupid idea feel better about itself.

And here's some great Emerson clips: